We are collecting photos for the 8th Grade Slideshow. The slideshow will be presented at the Honors Day program and 8th Grade graduation. Please collect 4-5 pictures of your child that you would like to have placed in the slideshow and turn them in to Mrs. Nive Moore. The slideshow pictures need to be turned in no later than March 22, 2024, so we will have time to create the slide show.
Please email the pictures to Mrs. Moore at n.moore@grady.k12.ga.us; please include your child’s name and homeroom teacher in the subject line. Make sure all photos are a high-resolution photo. If you are unable to email them, please send an original photo to Mrs. Moore. Your child’s name and homeroom teacher need to be written on the back of each photo. We will return the original to you. The slideshow will be very sentimental for the kids, so I want 100% participation. If you have any questions, please contact Nive Moore at the email address below.
Thank you,
Mrs. Nive Moore
Whigham School